Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2008

T.A.Z. - Hakim Bey

T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism; is a book by anarchist writer Hakim Bey.
It defines the T.A.Z. as a situation overriding prevailing law and order. Authorities lose power and unexpected encounterment and experience occurs. Key issues are poetic Terrorism, Chaos, Anarchy, magic, enjoyment and networking.

Read the english article or the german article at Wikipedia.

Montag, 20. Oktober 2008

Big Brother Awards 2008

Don't miss this years Big Brother Awards!
The negative-award will be given to people who are responsible for the increase of surveillance control and paternalism.

Some nominees are:
Steve Jobs for "notorical divestment of the right for private property". A given example is describing iPhone 3G's "killswitch" which is allowing the apple company to terminate programms running on your iphone.
The UEFA for "transforming city centres into bizarre Entertainment Zones" killing freedom through absurd security controls.
Former Austrian interior minister Günter Platter for "parroting the ideas of Germanys interior minister Wolfgang Schäuble and actually applying them."
The new Austrian interior minister Maria Fekter for her plans to apply "video surveillance in schools."

The Gala will be at Saturday the 25th 19:00 at Theather Rabenhof, Vienna.

Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008

James Bradford - THE SHADOW AGENCY

At the beginning of the 60ties and 70ties the National Security Agency (NSA) got out of control. The Vietnam war caused the agency to spy on the US people on its own initative. The United States Signals Intelligence Directive 18 (USSID 18) brought back NSA's respect for civilians privacy.
Back then the head of the agency Lt. Gen. Michael Hayden was highly in favor of this directive. That changed when Terror reached the US on september 11th 2001. The land of endless possibilities then started to turn into a surveillance state.

Read the interview with James Bradford who is the main investigator for the subject matter.

Mittwoch, 8. Oktober 2008

Skype, Cellphones and ID cards

Two articles about a planned central cellphone and email database in britain:
Times online, Guardian

Surveillance in China:
Skype surveillance in China
Hightech ID-Cards in Shenzhen, China