Since then the movement grew. Additional squats were installed in Linz, Graz, Salzburg and at Viennas TU, Juridicum, Campus C1, Akademie der Bildenden Kunst and Boku. Protests were held at least in Vienna, Innsbruck and Graz. All in all a movement involving thousands of people all around the country.
what are the claims? (23.10.)
- Broad financing of all Universitys!
- Democratization of the University and strengthening of student codetermination!
- No more carious employment status for teaching staff, researchers and workers!
- Free access to master programms and no obligatory STEPS!
- Abolishment of still existing study fees (also for migrants)!
- No study restictions in all of Europe!
- Away with pre defined extended curriculum; free elective courses!
- Away with precondition chains!
- Away with point-registration system!
- An End to the Bologna process eg. the Bachelor-Master-System!
- Implementation of a Female quota in the University Administration!
The Best Support at the moment is to go there discuss, help to organize, and BRING FOOD TO THE VOKÜ!!
Some Links:
Livestram Vienna
Livestram Vienna English
Livestram Salzburg
Twitter Unibrennt
Twitter HwLinz
Malen Nach Zahlen
Audimax Facebook