During the campaigns for the EU votes some people made a paste up action against the extremley unapropriate hate campaign of Austrias far right FPÖ party.
The altered posters could be found in almost every district of Vienna (for about two days, then the FPÖ repasted all of their Posters).
The Slogan "ABENDLAND IN CHRISTENHAND" (occident in christian hand)
was transformed into
"FLASCHENPFAND IN CHRISTENHAND" (Bottle Deposit in Christian Hand)
"ABENDLAND IN SCHLUMPFVERSTAND" (Occident in smurf intellect)
"MOSLEMHAND IN CHRISTENHAND" (Muslim Hand in Christian Hand)
some pics of the altered Posters:
(Unfortunateley theres no Foto of the third slogan...)

And the Original:

Another initiative Emerged as the FPÖ party used Comic as a Propagandatool.
It's a demarcation of the Austrian Comic szenc by the name of: Comics Gegen Rechts. Always worth a visit as it is frequently updated!
FRK Big ups to both initiatives!!!
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